Marvelous Ceiling Fan Reverse Switch Wiring Diagram

Ceiling fan wiring diagram 2.
Ceiling fan reverse switch wiring diagram. The hot source wire is spliced to the white on the 3 wire cable and then spliced to the input wires on both controllers at the other end. While the fan is turned off the reverse switch slides to the opposite position to change the direction of the blades when the fan is turned on again. 1 to l and c1 2 3 slow.
Ceiling fan capacitor connection diagram 3 wire ceiling fan capacitor diagram 5 wire ceiling fan capacitor diagram and installation role of capacitor in fan and single phase motor so in above diagram the speed switch contacts on l 3 and 2 5 uf and fan on running or start on 2 5 micro farad cap and on med speed. Lots of people looking for details about ceiling fan reverse switch wiring diagram and certainly one of these is you is not it. Through the thousands of pictures on the net regarding ceiling fan reverse switch wiring diagram choices the best collections having greatest image resolution just for you all and this photographs is considered one of images collections in our ideal photos gallery about ceiling fan reverse switch wiring diagram lets hope you can as it.
The source is at the switches and the input of each is spliced to the black source wire with a wire nut. Speed switch connection table. No connection 1 fast.
The switch fitted perfectly and the 2 screw holes lined up. 2 to 1 2 med. Now lets see the high speed of.
This is an indian fan and the color codes are different from the us standard. Wiring diagrams for a ceiling fan and two way fan switch wiring diagrams wiring diagrams for a ceiling fan and wiring diagrams for a ceiling. Wiring diagram fan and light with source at ceiling.
This is a simple illustrated circuit diagram of ceiling fanto be noted that the wiring. This kind of graphic ceiling fan reverse switch wiring. This diagram is similar to the previous one but with the electrical source originating at the fan light fixture.